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Working with Geometries🔗

When working with map data, sooner or later, you will need the geometry of an object: a point, a line or a polygon. OSM's topologic data model doesn't make them directly available with each object. In order to build a geometry for an object, the location information from referenced nodes need to be collected and then the geometry can be assembled from that. pyosmium provides a number of data structures and helpers to create geometries for OSM objects.

Geometry types🔗

Point geometries🔗

OSM nodes are the only kind of OSM object that produce a point geometry. The location of the point is directly stored with the OSM nodes. This makes it straightforward to extract such a geometry:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl', osmium.osm.NODE):
    print(f"Node {}: lat = {} lon = {o.lon}")
Node 1: lat = 13.0 lon = 45.0
Node 2: lat = 13.0 lon = 45.0001
Node 3: lat = 13.0001 lon = 45.0001
Node 4: lat = 13.0001 lon = 45.0
Node 11: lat = 13.00001 lon = 45.00001
Node 12: lat = 13.00001 lon = 45.00005
Node 13: lat = 13.00005 lon = 45.00005
Node 14: lat = 13.00005 lon = 45.00001

Line geometries🔗

Line geometries are usually created from OSM ways. The OSM way object does not contain the coordinates of a line geometry directly. It only contains a list of references to OSM nodes. To create a line geometry from an OSM way, it is necessary to look up the coordinate of each referenced node. pyosmium provides an efficient way to do so: the location storage. The storage automatically records the coordinates of each node that is read from the file and caches them for future use. When later a way is read from a file, the list of nodes in the way is augmented with the appropriate coordinates. Location storage is not enabled by default. To add it to the processing, use the function with_locations() of the FileProcessor.


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl').with_locations():
    if o.is_way():
        coords = ", ".join((f"{n.lon} {}" for n in o.nodes if n.location.valid()))
        print(f"Way {}: LINESTRING({coords})")
Way 1: LINESTRING(45.0 13.0, 45.0001 13.0, 45.0001 13.0001, 45.0 13.0001, 45.0 13.0)
Way 2: LINESTRING(45.00001 13.00001, 45.00005 13.00001, 45.00005 13.00005, 45.00001 13.00005, 45.00001 13.00001)

Not all OSM files are reference-complete. It can happen that some nodes which are referenced by a way are missing from a file. Always write your code so that it can work with incomplete geometries. In particular, you should be aware that there is no guarantee that an OSM way will translate into a valid line geometry. An OSM way may consist of only one node. Or two subsequent coordinates in the line are exactly at the same position.

pyosmium provides different implementations for the location storage. The default should be suitable for small to medium-sized OSM files. See the paragraph on Location storage below for more information on the different types of storages and how to switch them.


OSM has two different ways to model area geometries: they may be derived from way objects or relation objects.

A way can be interpreted as an area when it is closed. That happens when the first and the last node are exactly the same. You can use the function is_closed().

Not every closed way necessarily represents and area. Think of a little garden with a fence around it. If the OSM way represents the garden, then it should be interpreted as an area. If it represents the fence, then it is a line geometry that just happens to go full circle. You need to look at the tags of a way in order to decide if it should become an area or a line, or sometimes even both.

There are two types of relations that also represent areas. If the relation is tagged with type=multipolygon or type=boundary then it is by convention an area independently of all the other tags of the relation.

pyosmium implements a special handler for the processing of areas. This handler creates a new type of object, the Area object, and makes it available like the other OSM types. It can be enabled with the with_areas() function:


objects = ''
areas = ''
for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl').with_areas():
    objects += f" {o.type_str()}{}"
    if o.is_area():
        areas += f" {o.type_str()}{}({'w' if o.from_way() else 'r'}{o.orig_id()})"

print("OSM objects in this file:", objects)
print("Areas in this file:", areas)
OSM objects in this file:  n1 n2 n3 n4 n11 n12 n13 n14 w1 w2 r1 a2 a3
Areas in this file:  a2(w1) a3(r1)

Note how Area objects are added to the iterator in addition to the original OSM data. During the processing of the loop, there is first OSM way 1 and then the Area object 2, which corresponds to the same way.

When the area handler is enabled, the FileProcessor scans the file twice: during the first run information about all relations that might be areas is collected. This information is then used in the main run of the file processor, where the areas are assembled as soon as all the necessary objects that are part of each relation have been collected.

The area handler automatically enables a location storage because it needs access to the node geometries. It will set up the default implementation. To use a different implementation, simply use with_locations() with a custom storage together with with_areas().

The pyosmium Area type🔗

The Area type has the same common attributes as the other OSM types. However, it produces its own special ID space. This is necessary because an area might be originally derived from a relation or way. When derived from a way, the ID is computed as 2 * way ID. When it is derived from a relation, the ID is 2 * relation ID + 1. Use the function from_way() to check what type the original OSM object is and the function orig_id() to get the ID of the underlying object.

The polygon information is organised in lists of rings. Use outer_rings() to iterate over the rings of the polygon that form outer boundaries of the polygon. The data structures for these rings are node lists just like the ones used in OSM ways. They always form a closed line that goes clockwise. Each outer ring can have one or more holes. These can be iterated through with the inner_rings() function. The inner rings are also a node list but will go anti-clockwise. To illustrate how to process the functions, here is the simplified code to create the WKT representation of the polygon:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl').with_areas():
    if o.is_area():
        polygons = []
        for outer in o.outer_rings():
            rings = "(" + ", ".join((f"{n.lon} {}" for n in outer if n.location.valid())) + ")"
            for inner in o.inner_rings(outer):
                rings += ", (" + ", ".join((f"{n.lon} {}" for n in outer if n.location.valid())) + ")"
        if o.is_multipolygon():
            wkt = f"MULTIPOLYGON(({'), ('.join(polygons)}))"
            wkt = f"POLYGON({polygons[0]})"
        print(f"Area {}: {wkt}")        
Area 2: POLYGON((45.0 13.0, 45.0001 13.0, 45.0001 13.0001, 45.0 13.0001, 45.0 13.0))
Area 3: POLYGON((45.0 13.0, 45.0001 13.0, 45.0001 13.0001, 45.0 13.0001, 45.0 13.0), (45.0 13.0, 45.0001 13.0, 45.0001 13.0001, 45.0 13.0001, 45.0 13.0))

Geometries from other relation types🔗

OSM has many other relation types apart from the area types. pyosmium has no special support for other relation types yet. You need to manually assemble geometries by collecting the geometries of the members.

Geometry Factories🔗

pyosmium has a number of geometry factories to make it easier to convert an OSM object to well known geometry formats. To use them, instantiate the factory once and then hand in the OSM object to one of the create functions. A code snippet that converts all objects into WKT format looks approximately like that:


fab = osmium.geom.WKTFactory()

for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl').with_areas():
    if o.is_node():
        wkt = fab.create_point(o.location)
    elif o.is_way() and not o.is_closed():
        wkt = fab.create_linestring(o.nodes)
    elif o.is_area():
        wkt = fab.create_multipolygon(o)
        wkt = None # ignore relations

There are factories for GeoJSON (osmium.geom.GeoJSONFactory), well-known text (osmium.geom.WKTFactory) and well-known binary (osmium.geom.WKBFactory) formats.

Python Geo Interface🔗

If you want to process the geometries with Python libraries like shapely1 or GeoPandas, then the standardized geo_interface format can come in handy.

pyosmium has a special filter GeoInterfaceFilter which enhances pyosmium objects with a geo_interface attribute. This allows libraries that support this interface to directly consume the OSM objects. The GeoInterfaceFilter needs location information to create the geometries. Don't forget to add with_locations() and/or with_areas() to the FileProcessor.

Here is an example that computes the total length of highways using the geometry functions of shapely:


from shapely.geometry import shape

total = 0.0
for o in osmium.FileProcessor('liechtenstein.osm.pbf').with_locations().with_filter(osmium.GeoHandler()):
    if o.is_way() and 'highway' in o.tags:
        # Shapely has only support for Features starting from version 2.1,
        # so lets cheat a bit here.
        geom = shape(o.__geo_interface__['geometry'])
        # Length is computed in WGS84 projection, which is practically meaningless.
        # Lets pretend we didn't notice, it is an example after all.
        total += geom.length

print("Total length:", total)
Total length: 14.58228287312081

For an example on how to use the Python Geo Interface together with GeoPandas, have a look at the Visualisation Recipe.

Location Storage🔗

See the Osmium manual for the different types of location storage.

  1. Shapely only received full support for geo_interface geometries with features in version 2.1. For older versions create WKT geometries as explained above and create Shapely geometries from that.