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OSM Objects🔗

This chapter explains more about the different object types that are returned in pyosmium and how to access its data.

Determining the Type of Object🔗

pyosmium may return five different types of objects. First there are the three base types from the OSM data model already introduced in the last chapter: nodes, ways and relations. Next there is an area type. It is explained in more detail in the Geometry chapter. Finally, there is a type for changesets, which contains information about edits in the OSM database. It can only appear in special changeset files and explained in more detail below.

The FileProcessor may return any of these objects, when iterating over a file. Therefore, a script will usually first need to determine the type of object received. There are a couple of ways to do this.

Using is_*() convenience functions🔗

All object types, except changesets, implement a set of is_node/is_way/is_relation/is_area functions, which give a nicely readable way of testing for a specific object type.


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl'):
    if o.is_relation():
        print('Found a relation.')
Found a relation.

Using the type identifier🔗

The type_str() function returns the type of the object as a single lower case character. The supported types are:

Character Type
n node
w way
r relation
a area
c changeset

This type string can be useful for printing or when saving data by type. It can also be used to test for a specific type. It is particularly useful when testing for multiple types:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl'):
    if o.type_str() in 'wr':
        print('Found a way or relation.')
Found a way or relation.
Found a way or relation.
Found a way or relation.

Testing for object type🔗

Each OSM object type has a corresponding Python class. You can simply test for this object type:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl'):
    if isinstance(o, osmium.osm.Relation):
        print('Found a relation.')

Reading object tags🔗

Every object has a list of properties, the tags. They can be accessed through the tags property, which provides a simple dictionary-like view of the tags. You can use the bracket notation to access a specific tag or use the more explicit get() function. Just like for Python dictionaries, an access by bracket raises a ValueError when the key you are looking for does not exist, while the get() function returns the selected default value.

The in operation can be used to check for existence of a key:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl'):
    # When using the bracket notation, make sure the tag exists.
    if 'entrance' in o.tags:
        print('entrace =', o.tags['entrance'])

    # The get() function never throws.
    print('building =', o.tags.get('building', '<unset>')

Tags can also be iterated over. The iterator returns Tag objects. These each hold a key (k) and a value (v) string. A tag is itself a Python iterable, so that you can easily iterate through keys and values like this:


from collections import Counter

stats = Counter()

for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl'):
    for k, v in o.tags:
        stats.update([(k, v)])

print("Most common tags:", stats.most_common(3))

As with all data in OSM objects, the tags property is only a view on tags of the object. If you want to save the tag list for later use, you must make a copy of the list. The most simple way to do this, is to convert the tag list into a Python dictionary:


saved_tags = []

for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl'):
    if o.tags:

print("Saved tags:", saved_tags)

Other common meta information🔗

Next to the tags, every OSM object also carries some meta information describing its ID, version and information regarding the editor.

Properties of OSM object types🔗


The main property of a Node is the location, a coordinate in WGS84 projection. Latitude and longitude of the node can be accessed either through the location property or through the lat and lon shortcuts:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('../data/buildings.opl', osmium.osm.NODE):
    assert (o.location.lon, == (o.lon,

OpenStreetMap, and by extension pyosmium, saves latitude and longitude internally as a 7-digit fixed-point number. You can access the coordinates as fixed-point integers through the x and y properties. There may be rare use cases, where using this fixed-point notation is faster and more precise.

The coordinates returned by the lat/lon accessors are guaranteed to be valid. That means that a value is set and is between -180 and 180 degrees for longitude and -90 and 90 degrees for latitude. If the file contains an invalid coordinate, then pyosmium will throw a ValueError. To access the raw unchecked coordinates, use the functions location.lat_without_check() and location.lon_without_check().


A Way is essentially an ordered sequence of nodes. This sequence can be accessed through the nodes property. An OSM way only stores the ID of each node. This can be rather inconvenient when you want to work with the geometry of the way, because the coordinates of each node need to be looked up. pyosmium therefore exposes a list of NodeRefs with the nodes property. Each element in this list contains the node ID and optionally the location of the node. The next chapter Working with Geometries explains in detail, how pyosmium can help to fill the location of the node.


A Relation is also an ordered sequence. Each sequence element can reference an arbitrary OSM object. In addition, each of the members can be assigned a role, an arbitrary string that describes the function of the member. The OSM data model does not specify what the function of a member is and which roles are defined. You need to know what kind of relation you are dealing with in order to understand what the members are suppose to represent. Over the years, the OSM community has established a convention that every relation comes with a type tag, which defines the basic kind of the relation. For each type you can refer to the Wiki documentation to learn about the meaning of members and roles. The most important types currently in use are:

  • multipolygon describes an area geometry. Pyosmium natively supports creating geometries from this type of relation. See Working with Geometries for more information.
  • boundary is a special form of the multipolygon type. It is used specifically for the various forms of boundaries and define some special roles for associated node objects.
  • route is for collections of ways that make up marked routes for hiking, cycling and other forms of transport.
  • public_transport are a special form of the route relation made for routes of public transport vehicles (trains, buses, trams etc). They add some special member roles for the stops of the vehicles.
  • restriction is for street-level routing and describes turn restrictions for vehicles.
  • associatedStreet relation types are used in some parts of the world to create a connection between address points and the street they belong to.

The members of a relation can be accessed through the members property. This is a simple list of RelationMember objects. They expose the OSM type of the member, its ID and a role string. When no role has been set, the role property returns an empty string. Here is an example of a simple iteration over all members:


for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl', osmium.osm.RELATION):
    for member in o.members:
        print(f"Type: {member.type}  ID: {member.ref}  Role: {member.role}")

The member property provides only a temporary read-only view of the members. If you want to save the list for later processing, you need to make an explicit copy like this:


memberlist = {}

for o in osmium.FileProcessor('buildings.opl', osmium.osm.RELATION):
    memberlist[] = [(m.type, m.ref, m.role) for m in o.members]


Always keep in mind that relations can become very large. Some have thousands of members. Therefore consider very carefully which members you are actually interested when saving members and only keep those that are actually needed later.


The Changeset type is the odd one out among the OSM data types. It does not contain actual map data. Instead it is use to save meta information about the edits made to the OSM database. You normally don't find Changeset objects in a datafile. Changeset information is published in separate files.