OSM data views🔗
These classes expose the data from an OSM file to the Python scripts. Objects of these classes are always views unless stated otherwise. This means that they are only valid as long as the view to an object is valid.
OSM types🔗
OSM primary objects🔗
This is the base class for all OSM entity classes below and contains all common attributes.
changeset: int
(read-only) Id of changeset where this version of the object was created.
deleted: bool
(read-only) True if the object is no longer visible.
id: int
(read-only) OSM id of the object.
tags: TagList
(read-only) List of tags describing the object.
See osmium.osm.TagList
timestamp: dt.datetime
(read-only) Date when this version has been created,
returned as a datetime.datetime
uid: int
(read-only) Id of the user that created this version of the object. Only this ID uniquely identifies users.
user: str
(read-only) Name of the user that created this version. Be aware that user names can change, so that the same user ID may appear with different names and vice versa.
version: int
(read-only) Version number of the object.
visible: bool
(read-only) True if the object is visible.
is_area() -> bool
Return true if the object is a Way object.
is_node() -> bool
Return true if the object is a Node object.
is_relation() -> bool
Return true if the object is a Relation object.
is_way() -> bool
Return true if the object is a Way object.
positive_id() -> int
Get the absolute value of the id of this object.
type_str() -> str
Return a single character identifying the type of the object. The character is the same as used in OPL.
user_is_anonymous() -> bool
Check if the user is anonymous. If true, the uid does not uniquely identify a single user but only the group of all anonymous users in general.
Bases: osmium.osm.types.OSMObject['cosm.COSMNode']
Represents a single OSM node. It inherits all properties from OSMObjects and adds a single extra attribute: the location.
lat: float
Return latitude of the node.
location: osmium.osm.Location
The geographic coordinates of the node.
See osmium.osm.Location
lon: float
Return longitude of the node.
replace(**kwargs: Any) -> osmium.osm.mutable.Node
Create a mutable node replacing the properties given in the named parameters. The properties may be any of the properties of OSMObject or Node.
Note that this function only creates a shallow copy per default.
It is still bound to the scope of the original object.
To create a full copy use:
Bases: osmium.osm.types.OSMObject['cosm.COSMWay']
Represents an OSM way. It inherits the attributes from OSMObject and adds an ordered list of nodes that describes the way.
nodes: WayNodeList
(read-only) Ordered list of nodes.
See osmium.osm.WayNodeList
ends_have_same_id() -> bool
True if the start and end node are exactly the same.
ends_have_same_location() -> bool
True if the start and end node of the way are at the same location.
Expects that the coordinates of the way nodes have been loaded
(see SimpleHandler apply functions and
If the locations are not present then the function returns always true.
is_closed() -> bool
True if the start and end node are the same (synonym for
replace(**kwargs: Any) -> osmium.osm.mutable.Way
Create a mutable way replacing the properties given in the named parameters. The properties may be any of the properties of OSMObject or Way.
Note that this function only creates a shallow copy per default.
It is still bound to the scope of the original object.
To create a full copy use:
way.replace(tags=dict(way.tags), nodes=list(way.nodes))
Bases: osmium.osm.types.OSMObject['cosm.COSMRelation']
Represents a OSM relation. It inherits the attributes from OSMObject and adds an ordered list of members.
members: RelationMemberList
(read-only) Ordered list of relation members.
See osmium.osm.RelationMemberList
replace(**kwargs: Any) -> osmium.osm.mutable.Relation
Create a mutable relation replacing the properties given in the named parameters. The properties may be any of the properties of OSMObject or Relation.
Note that this function only creates a shallow copy per default.
It is still bound to the scope of the original object.
To create a full copy use:
rel.replace(tags=dict(rel.tags), members=list(rel.members))
Bases: osmium.osm.types.OSMObject['cosm.COSMArea']
Areas are a special kind of meta-object representing a polygon. They can either be derived from closed ways or from relations that represent multipolygons. They also inherit the attributes of OSMObjects and in addition contain polygon geometries. Areas have their own unique id space. This is computed as the OSM id times 2 and for relations 1 is added.
from_way() -> bool
Return true if the area was created from a way, false if it was created from a relation of multipolygon type.
inner_rings(oring: OuterRing) -> InnerRingIterator
Return an iterator over all inner rings of the multipolygon.
is_multipolygon() -> bool
Return true if this area is a true multipolygon, i.e. it consists of multiple outer rings.
num_rings() -> Tuple[int, int]
Return a tuple with the number of outer rings and inner rings.
This function goes through all rings to count them.
orig_id() -> int
Compute the original OSM id of this object. Note that this is not necessarily unique because the object might be a way or relation which have an overlapping id space.
outer_rings() -> OuterRingIterator
Return an iterator over all outer rings of the multipolygon.
A changeset description.
bounds: osmium.osm.Box
(read-only) The bounding box of the area that was edited.
closed_at: dt.datetime
(read-only) Timestamp when the changeset was finalized. May be
when the changeset is still open.
created_at: dt.datetime
(read-only) Timestamp when the changeset was first opened.
id: int
(read-only) Unique ID of the changeset.
num_changes: int
(read-only) The total number of objects changed in this Changeset.
open: bool
(read-only) True when the changeset is still open.
tags: TagList
(read-only) List of tags describing the object.
See osmium.osm.TagList
uid: int
(read-only) User ID of the changeset creator.
user: str
(read-only) Name of the user that created the changeset. Be aware that user names can change, so that the same user ID may appear with different names and vice versa.
user_is_anonymous() -> bool
Check if the user anonymous. If true, the uid does not uniquely identify a single user but only the group of all anonymous users in general.
Tag lists🔗
Bases: typing.Iterable[osmium.osm.types.Tag]
A fixed list of tags. The list is exported as an unmutable, dictionary-like object where the keys are tag strings and the items are Tags.
get(key: str, default: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]
Return the value for the given key. or 'value' if the key does not exist in the list.
Node lists🔗
A reference to a OSM node that also caches the nodes location.
lat: float
(read-only) Latitude (y coordinate) as floating point number.
lon: float
(read-only) Longitude (x coordinate) as floating point number.
x: int
(read-only) X coordinate (longitude) as a fixed-point integer.
y: int
(read-only) Y coordinate (latitude) as a fixed-point integer.
A list of node references, implemented as an immutable sequence of osmium.osm.NodeRef. This class is normally not used directly, use one of its subclasses instead.
ends_have_same_id() -> bool
True if the start and end node are exactly the same.
ends_have_same_location() -> bool
True if the start and end node of the way are at the same location. "
Expects that the coordinates of the way nodes have been loaded
(SimpleHandler apply functions and
If the locations are not present then the function returns always true.
is_closed() -> bool
True if the start and end node are the same (synonym for
Bases: osmium.osm.types.NodeRefList
List of nodes in a way.
For its members see osmium.osm.NodeRefList
Bases: osmium.osm.types.NodeRefList
List of nodes in an inner ring. "
For its members see osmium.osm.NodeRefList
Bases: osmium.osm.types.NodeRefList
List of nodes in an outer ring.
For its members see osmium.osm.NodeRefList
Relation members🔗
Single member of a relation.
ref: int = ref
OSM ID of the object. Only unique within the type.
role: str = role
The role of the member within the relation, a free-text string. If no role is set then the string is empty.
type: str = mtype
Type of object referenced, a node, way or relation.
An immutable sequence of relation members
Geometry types🔗
Mutable OSM objects🔗
Mutable version of osmium.osm.OSMObject.
__init__(base: Optional[OSMObjectLike] = None, id: Optional[int] = None, version: Optional[int] = None, visible: Optional[bool] = None, changeset: Optional[int] = None, timestamp: Optional[datetime] = None, uid: Optional[int] = None, tags: Optional[TagSequence] = None, user: Optional[str] = None) -> None
Initialise an object with the following optional
attributes: id
, version
, visible
, changeset
, timestamp
and tags
. Timestamps may be strings or datetime objects.
Tags can be an osmium.osm.TagList, a dict-like object
or a list of tuples, where each tuple contains a (key value) string pair.
If the base
parameter is given in the constructor, then the object
will be initialised first from the attributes of this base object.
Bases: osmium.osm.mutable.OSMObject
The mutable version of osmium.osm.Node.
__init__(base: Optional[Union[Node, osmium.osm.Node]] = None, location: Optional[LocationLike] = None, **attrs: Any) -> None
Initialise a node with all optional attributes
from osmium.osm.mutable.OSMObject as well as a location
This may either be an osmium.osm.Location or a tuple of
lon/lat coordinates.
Bases: osmium.osm.mutable.OSMObject
The mutable version of osmium.osm.Way.
__init__(base: Optional[Union[Way, osmium.osm.Way]] = None, nodes: Optional[NodeSequence] = None, **attrs: Any) -> None
Initialise a way with all optional attributes
from osmium.osm.mutable.OSMObject as well as a nodes
This may either be an osmium.osm.NodeRefList or a list
consisting of osmium.osm.NodeRef or simple node ids.
Bases: osmium.osm.mutable.OSMObject
The mutable version of osmium.osm.Relation.
__init__(base: Optional[Union[Relation, osmium.osm.Relation]] = None, members: Optional[MemberSequence] = None, **attrs: Any) -> None
Initialise a relation with all optional attributes
from osmium.osm.mutable.OSMObject as well as a members
This may either be an osmium.osm.RelationMemberList or
a list consisting of osmium.osm.RelationMember or
tuples of (type, id, role). The
member type must be a single character 'n', 'w' or 'r'.