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Area building🔗

osmium.area.AreaManager 🔗

Bases: osmium.BaseHandler

Handler class that manages building area objects from ways and relations.

Building area objects always requires two passes through the file: in the first pass, the area manager collects the relation candidates for areas and IDs of all ways that are needed to build their areas. During the second pass of the file the areas are assembled: areas from ways are created immediately when the handler encounters a closed way. Areas for relations are built as soon as all the ways that the relation needs are available.

You usually should not be using the AreaManager direcly. The interface of the handler is considered an internal implementation detail and may change in future versions of pyosmium. Area assembly can be enabled through the SimpleHandler and the FileProcessor.

__init__() -> None 🔗

Set up a new area manager.

first_pass_handler() -> AreaManager 🔗

Return a handler object to be used for the first pass through a file. It collects information about area relations and their way members.

second_pass_handler(*handlers: HandlerLike) -> AreaManagerSecondPassHandler 🔗

Return a handler used for the second pass of the file, where areas are assembled. Pass the chain of filters and handlers that should be applied the areas.

second_pass_to_buffer(callback: BufferIterator) -> AreaManagerBufferHandler 🔗

Return a handler for the second pass of the file, which stores assembled areas in the given buffer.