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This section lists all functions and classes that pyosmium implements for reference.

Basic pyosmium types🔗

osmium.BaseHandler 🔗

Base class for all native handler functions in pyosmium. Any class that derives from this class can be used for parameters that need a handler-like object.

osmium.BaseFilter 🔗

Bases: osmium._osmium.BaseHandler

Base class for all native filter functions in pyosmium. A filter is a handler that returns a boolean in the handler functions indicating if the object should pass the filter (False) or be dropped (True).

enable_for(entities: osm_entity_bits) -> None 🔗

Set the OSM types this filter should be applied to. If an object has a type for which the filter is not enabled, the filter will be skipped completely. Or to put it in different words: every object for which the filter is not enabled, passes the filter automatically.

HandlerLike objects🔗

Many functions in pyosmium take handler-like objects as a parameter. Next to classes that derive from BaseHandler and BaseFilter you may also hand in any object that has one of the handler functions node(), way(), relation(), area(), or changeset() implemented.