``osmium`` - Processing OSM files --------------------------------- Osmium processes files by reading data from a file and applying them to a processing chain. Pyosmium offers a simplified wrapper to this interface with the ``SimpleHandler`` class from which an OSM file processor can easily be derived. For more fine grained control of the processing chain, the more basic functions and processors are exported as well in this module. Input Handlers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An input handler provides the base class for writing custom data processors. They take input data, usually from a file, and forward it to handler functions. .. autoclass:: osmium.SimpleHandler :members: :undoc-members: SimpleWriter ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The writer class can be used to create an OSM file. The writer is able to handle native ``osmium.osm`` objects as well as any Python object that exposes the same attributes. It is not necessary to implement the full list of attributes as any missing attributes will be replaced with a sensible default value when writing. See :ref:`mutable-objects` for a detailed discussion of the data formats understood for each attribute. .. warning:: Writers are considerably faster in handling native osmium data types than Python objects. You should therefore avoid converting objects whereever possible. This is not only true for the OSM data types like Node, Way and Relation but also for tag lists, node lists and member lists. .. autoclass:: osmium.SimpleWriter :members: :undoc-members: Low-level Functions and Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: osmium.apply .. autofunction:: osmium.make_simple_handler