Basic Usage =========== The following chapter gives a practical introduction on how to use Pyosmium. It is assumed that you already have a basic knowledge about the `OSM data model`_. For a more detailed introduction into the design of the osmium library, the reader is referred to the `osmium documentation`_. .. _OSM data model: .. _osmium documentation: Reading OSM Data ---------------- Using Handler Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OSM file parsing by osmium is built around the concept of handlers. A handler is a class with a set of callback functions. Each function processes exactly one type of object as it is read from the file. Let's start with a very simple handler that counts the nodes in the input file:: import osmium class CounterHandler(osmium.SimpleHandler): def __init__(self): osmium.SimpleHandler.__init__(self) self.num_nodes = 0 def node(self, n): self.num_nodes += 1 A handler first of all needs to inherit from one of the handler classes. At the moment this is always :py:class:`osmium.SimpleHandler`. Then it needs to implement functions for each object type it wants to process. In our case it is exactly one function `node()`. All other potential callbacks can be safely ignored. Now the handler needs to be applied to an OSM file. The easiest way to accomplish that is to call the :py:meth:`~osmium.SimpleHandler.apply_file` convenience function, which in its simplest form only requires the file name as a parameter. The main routine of the node counting application therefore looks like this:: if __name__ == '__main__': h = CounterHandler() h.apply_file("test.osm.pbf") print("Number of nodes: %d" % h.num_nodes) That already finishes our node counting program. Inspecting the OSM objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Counting nodes is actually boring because it completely ignores the content of the nodes. So let's change the handler to only count hotels (normally tagged with ``tourism=hotel``). They may be tagged as nodes, ways or relations, so handler functions for all three types need to be implemented:: import osmium class HotelCounterHandler(osmium.SimpleHandler): def __init__(self): super(HotelCounterHandler, self).__init__() self.num_nodes = 0 def count_hotel(self, tags): if tags.get('tourism') == 'hotel': self.num_nodes += 1 def node(self, n): self.count_hotel(n.tags) def way(self, w): self.count_hotel(w.tags) def relation(self, r): self.count_hotel(r.tags) A reference to the object is always given as the only parameter to the handler functions. The objects have some common methods and attributes, listed in :py:class:`osmium.osm.OSMObject`, and some that are specific to each type. As all objects have tags, it is possible to reuse the same implementation for all types. The main function remains the same. .. _intro-copying-data-from-object: Collecting data from an OSM file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Let's say that we do not only want to count the hotels in the file but we want to print their names in alphabetical order. For simplicity, lets restrict outself to nodes tagged as hotels. A naive implementation might want to simply collect all hotels and then print their names:: class HotelHandler(osmium.SimpleHandler): def __init__(self): super(HotelHandler, self).__init__() = [] def node(self, o): if o.tags.get('tourism') == 'hotel': # THIS IS WRONG! h = HotelHandler() h.apply_file(some_file) hotel_names = [] for o in if 'name' in o.tags:['name']) print(sorted(hotel_names)) If you try to execute this, then Python will raise a Runtime error:: RuntimeError: Illegal access to OSM object the moment, you try to access to ``tags`` attribute. The object references that are handed to the handler are only temporary. Osmium reads the object from the file, gives them to the handler function and then discards them to free the memory. If you keep a reference after the handler function returns, it points to invalid memory. Pyosmium checks on every access if the memory is still valid and raises the runtime error above if you try to access the object outside the callback. If you want to keep data for later use *the data must be copied out*. For the example, with the list of hotels, we only need to keep the name of each hotel. So a correct implementation is:: class HotelHandler(osmium.SimpleHandler): def __init__(self): super(HotelHandler, self).__init__() = [] def node(self, o): if o.tags.get('tourism') == 'hotel' and 'name' in o.tags:['name']) h = HotelHandler() h.apply_file(some_file) print(sorted( Not only the object itself is a temporary reference. Also the tags, node and member lists must be copied when they need to be stored. As a general rule, it is good practise to store as little information as possible. In the example above, we could have stored the tags of all objects and then done the filtering later but that would need much more memory. Handling Geometries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Because of the way that OSM data is structured, osmium needs to internally cache node geometries, when the handler wants to process the geometries of ways and areas. The :py:meth:`~!osmium.SimpleHandler.apply_file` method cannot deduce by itself if this cache is needed. Therefore locations need to be explicitly enabled by setting the locations parameter to True:: h.apply_file("test.osm.pbf", locations=True, idx='flex_mem') The third parameter `idx` is optional and states what kind of cache osmium is supposed to use. The default `flex_mem` is a good choice for most uses. If you plan to process large amount of data (e.g. Europe or planet) and are tight on RAM then `dense_mmap_array` may be better suited. This kind of index is able to temporarily store data on disk. However, it does not work on MacOS and Windows. If you want the cache to be persistent across invocations, you can use `dense_file_array` giving an additional file location for the cache like that:: h.apply_file("test.osm.pbf", locations=True, idx='dense_file_array,example.nodecache') where `example.nodecache` is the name of the cache file. For more details on the different kind of indexes, see the `Index section in the Osmium Manual`_. .. _Index section in the Osmium Manual: Interfacing with Shapely ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pyosmium is a library for processing OSM files and therefore offers almost no functionality for processing geometries further. There are other libraries for that purpose. To interface with these libraries you can simply convert the osmium geometries into WKB or WKT format and import the result. The following example uses the libgeos wrapper `Shapely`_ to compute the total way length:: import osmium import shapely.wkb as wkblib # A global factory that creates WKB from a osmium geometry wkbfab = osmium.geom.WKBFactory() class WayLenHandler(osmium.SimpleHandler): def __init__(self): osmium.SimpleHandler.__init__(self) = 0 def way(self, w): wkb = wkbfab.create_linestring(w) line = wkblib.loads(wkb, hex=True) # Length is computed in WGS84 projection, which is practically meaningless. # Lets pretend we didn't notice, it is an example after all. += line.length if __name__ == '__main__': h = WayLenHandler() h.apply_file("test.osm.pbf", locations=True) print("Total length: %f" % .. _Shapely: Writing OSM Data ---------------- :py:class:`osmium.SimpleWriter` is the main class that takes care of writing out OSM data to a file. The file name must be given when the writer is constructed. Its suffix determines the format of the data. For example:: writer = osmium.SimpleWriter('nodes.osm.bz2') opens a new writer for a packed OSM XML file. Objects can be written by using one of the writers ``add_*`` functions. A simple handler, that only writes out all the nodes from the input file into our new ``nodes.osm.bz2`` file would look like this:: import osmium class NodeWriter(osmium.SimpleHandler): def __init__(self, writer): osmium.SimpleHandler.__init__(self) self.writer = writer def node(self, n): self.writer.add_node(n) This example shows that an unmodified object can be written out directly to the writer. Normally, however, you want to modify some data. The native osmium OSM types are immutable and cannot be changed directly. Therefore you have to create a copy that can be changed. The ``node``, ``way`` and ``relation`` objects offer a convenient ``replace()`` function to achieve exactly that. The function makes a copy and at the same time replaces all attributes where new values are given as parameters to the function. Let's say you want to remove all the user names from your nodes before saving them to the new file (maybe to save some space), then the ``node()`` handler callback above needs to be changed like this:: class NodeWriter(osmium.SimpleHandler): ... def node(self, n): self.writer.add_node(n.replace(user="")) ``replace()`` creates a new instance of an ``osmium.osm.mutable`` object. These classes are python implementations of the native object types in ``osmium.osm``. They have exactly the same attributes but they are mutable. A writer is able to process the mutable datatypes just like the native osmium types. In fact, a writer is able to process any python object. It just expects suitably named attributes and will simply assume sensible default values for attributes that are missing. .. note:: It is important to understand that ``replace()`` only makes a shallow copy of the object. Tag, node and member lists are still native osmium objects. Normally this is what you want because the writer is much faster writing these native objects than pythonized copies. However, it means that you cannot use ``replace()`` to create a copy of the object that can be kept after the handler callback has finished.