osmcoastline_ways (1)
osmcoastline_ways - extract coastline ways from OpenStreetMap data
osmcoastline_ways INPUT-FILE [OUTPUT-DB]
- -h, --help
- Display usage information.
- -V, --version
- Display program version and license information.
osmcoastline_ways extracts coastline ways from OSM data and writes them into a Spatialite database. The output data is meant for debugging and statistics. Use the osmcoastline program to assemble coastlines for “real” use.
You have to run osmcoastline_ways on the output of the osmcoastline_filter program, otherwise it will not work correctly!
The data is written to the Spatialite database OUTPUT-DB. If OUTPUT-DB is not set, the default “coastline-ways.db” is used. A single table “ways” is written. It contains the IDs of all ways, their geometries, and the contents of their “name” and “source” tags.
osmcoastline_ways outputs the sum of all way lengths.
- osmcoastline(1), osmcoastline_filter(1)
- Project page
- OSMCoastline in OSM wiki